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11:00 AM - 3.2 miles - flat - easy pace - Info: Fred, 516-702-4213 or
Let’s explore the natural LI habitat which includes a marine bay, tidal river, freshwater streams, ponds, and salt marsh. Address: 340 Smith Rd. Shirley, NY. Directions: Take LIE to exit 68 or Sunrise Highway (Rt 27) to Ex 58; go south on Rt 46, William Floyd parkway, until you reach Rt 27A/CR80 (Montauk Highway). Go West (right) on 27A / CR 80 for about ½ mile to the first traffic light. Make a left (south) on Smith Rd and go about ½ mile. After you cross the RR tracks, look for Refuge entrance on right at the stop sign. Free parking. Bring water. Wear hiking shoes. Rain cancels. We will meet in the parking lot by the trail entrance.