10:30 AM- 4-5 miles, Slower paced, flat, wooded with some sand. Registration required. CALL or E: Sal, 631-235-2059, or sailingsals60@gmail.com
Wildlife Viewing- Morton Refuge is an ideal spot for wildlife watching. Most visitors enjoy watching wildlife while hiking the Wild Birds Nature Trail. Wildlife have become acclimated to visitors and often go about their day without a second glance. Eastern wild turkeys, songbirds and chipmunks all can be seen along the wooded sections of the trail. Bald Eagle & Osprey can be seen flying overhead hunting for fish in the bay. In the winter, large groups of black ducks, bufflehead and common goldeneye can be seen floating in the bay. An elevated platform at the beach allows visitors an outstanding view of Little Peconic Bay, Noyack Bay and Jessup’s Neck Peninsula’s wildlife species. GPS: 2595 Noyack Road, Sag Harbor, NY 11963. Heavy rain / snow cancels, light rain does not. Optional dining afterwards.